
We are glad to see you and appreciate the opportunity to work with you in your therapy program!

Periodically, we will send you statements of your account describing payments by your insurance company and any balance for which you may be responsible including co-payments and deductibles.

Current Patients

Periodic Statements

Payment Methods Available

For your convenience, several payment methods are available:

  • All major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diners Club, or you may make a payment with your Health Savings Account (HSA) card.


  • You can make a secure payment on-line by clicking this link. (Note; we do not retain your credit card information).

  • You may complete and return a credit card or checking debit Authorization Form for either a one-time or recurring, scheduled series of payments for a specific amount, limit or period of time.

  • We accept personal or business checks,

  • The Authorization Form or a Check may be either dropped into the suggestion box on the reception counter at the clinic, or returned by mail to:
                            Atlantic Rehab & Lymphedema Center
                            P.O. Box 276  
                            Dover, NH 03821-0276
                    Or you can make a payment over the phone by calling Greg at (207)-703-0072.